Monday, April 29, 2013


So this weds I am getting on a plane and flying to New York City for two days. Normally this would be no big deal except for the fact that this will be the first time I have left my children since they were born. I am leaving them in very capable hands (my husband) but its weird to think I will not be there to put them to bed or to get them up. Then I start to think will I be able to enjoy my trip if I am worrying about them. Like I said I have all the faith in the world that they will be fine with my husband, but I still worry. I have thought about this for a while. How fun it would be to get away, to sleep in to be care free again. However I think I forgot how to do that. I am sure I will pop up out of bed at 7:00 like usual and think I need to get the kids up and ready or at 4:30 feel like I need to be some where(picking kids up).  I hope not but I probably will. So I am curious to hear how some of you handled this first separation from your children?

Thursday, April 11, 2013

How Do You Do It? Emily Stroud

How Do You Do It?

Emily Stroud, Founder Hayden Reis




Photo Credit: Alisa Sue Photography



I love women entrepreneurs, especially those who have done what they do while raising a family and this woman is no exception. Emily Stroud, founder of Hayden Reis, is one of those women. Not only has she created one of the hottest line bags around, but she has done this while raising two adorable kids and up until last year a full time job. So here is her story and of course we want to know, Emily how do you do it?

 After graduation UF in 2001 I was hired by Merck Pharmaceuticals to be a pharmaceutical sales rep in Sarasota.  I worked for Merck for 10 years.  As the industry changed I found myself feeling less passionate about my career with Merck.  Two kids later i knew something had to change.  My family and I spend almost every weekend at the Longboat Key Club, on a boat or by the pool.  Every summer I would buy a Restoration Hardware beach bag to use for the summer.  The problem was it  was not water resistant or sand resistant so it would get gross and dirty very easily.  I had sunscreens floating around the bag lose that would end up squirting out into the bag, never could find my keys or money and most the kids wet suits were just lose in the bag.  Basically it was a disorganized mess.  A month before I resigned from Merck  I had an "a ha" moment when I came across sail cloth for the first time.  I said to my husband..."what if I design the perfect beach bag? One that’s fashionable, functional, durable, water-resistant, sand resistant, lightweight and machine washable?" December 31, 2012 was my last day with Merck and by the end of March I had my first batch of Hayden Reis bags- Made in the USA!  Hayden Reis bags are carried in over 30 stores all over the country and in the next couple of months we will be launched a gym bag line of sail cloth totes.

1. What time does your day start and how? My day starts at 6:30am.  I get the kids up, dressed and feed and we leave the house by 7:45am.Kindergarten starts at 8:30am for Hayden and then bring Reese to preschool downtown.

2. What time does your day end and how? Every day is different. Depends if we have dance, tennis, t-ball or tutor.  Most days I get the kids around 4:30 from Discovery Days after care program and then head to our evening activity. Usually don’t get home until about 6pm. Sometimes earlier- sometimes later.

3. Do you work from home or in a office? What is the set up likeI have an office in the Rosemary District. If I didn't have that office I would get very little work done.  Instead I would find things to clear or straighten around the house.  Having an office downtown was one of the best decisions I made when I started Hayden Reis a year ago.

4. Do you speak/see your children (child) throughout the day? If yes, how/when?
Not usually. Sometime I will have lunch with Hayden at Southside.  Its a nice break in the day for me.

5. What is the best thing about being a working mother? Hardest?
There are a few things I think are positives to being a working mother.  One is teaching my kids a strong work ethic.  They see how hard I work and it inspires them to work hard too.  Reese tells me she wants to grow up and  sell bags with me:)  It's very cute.  I also find that I appreciate my time with the kids so much more than I would if I was home with them all the time.  And lastly it's important for me to keep my brain engaged.  
The hardest part about being a working mother is keeping an organized household.  I love structure and its hard sometimes to keep it all straight.  If I don't put appointments in my calendar I will never remember where I have to be.  I love to cook dinner for my family and keep a clean house and not let laundry pile up.  Unfortunately, sometimes those things go by the waist side because there isn't enough time in the day to get it all done.  I'm learning that.

6. Be honest, what is the one thing you envy about stay at home moms?
I have so much respect for stay at home moms.  It’s a tough job!  Kids grow up so fast and as a working mom I am not around as much as a stay at home mom.  I have to travel for business frequently and I hate waking up in the morning and going to sleep at night without my family.