Sunday, February 20, 2011


My partner in crime Emma.

So anyone who knows me know that I am the least crafty person in the world. Today I decised that Emma needed her name on the door to her room, so I scooped her up and headed to the craft store.  I bought unpainted wood letter, pink and brown paint as well as a couple of essential tools. Now when you see these letters finished they aren't the greatest but hey I will get the hang of this thing.  I think Emma and I had more fun sitting on the back porch listening to the birds but at least I gave it a shot. My next attemp it a bullentin board for above her changing table.  Hope that turns out better than the letters.
This is before I decided to decorate more.

Friday, February 18, 2011

My new career!

So my whole life (all 31 years) I have been searching for what I was supposed to do. I met with life coaches, left where I was living to move and start over (moved to Atlanta by myself for school) tried a couple of different jobs etc... None of which ever gave me that fulfilled feeling of "Wow this is it". That is until November 30, 2010 at 8:48. At that very moment in my life I had my "Wow this is it " moment. My beautiful daughter was born on that date at that time and I had my moment. It is a very crazy thing having a baby, I highly recommend it! Being a mother for the last three months has been the most rewarding and the most challenging thing I have EVER done. I am amazed at how my body produced this laughing, smiling, crying, pooping thing. Being a mother has become the career I have been searching for and I could not be happier with it. It is crazy how in one moment of your life you become a whole world to another person. You are the president, CEO, accountant, janitor, everything to a person for the next 18 years or so. I feel truly blessed to have been interviewed once ( miscarriage) and after nine months of training I finally got the job I had always been longing for.  Now when I say training I am not talking hands on it is strictly in a book.  The hands on comes the second after that little person enters the world and it becomes a trial and error. Because no matter how many training manuals you are given and read nothing and I mean nothing prepares you for the real thing except the real thing.  So here it is folks the real thing from a new mothers prospective. I will be honest I have no idea what I am doing and I take on a day to day basis and pray for the best.  I hope you enjoy what I have to talk about and maybe just maybe get a little something out of it.  Because I am Mom on the job!!!