Tuesday, September 18, 2012

More to come!!

Lets just say that being a mother of two kids under two in CRAZY! In a good way but crazy.  I had just started to get into my grove with my daughter when I found out I was pregnant again (she was 5 months old when that happened) so it got a bit out of balance with me being tired, moody you know all that great stuff that comes with being pregnant.   So my second one is now almost 8 months old and in two months I will have a 2 year old.  My tow kids could not be more different.  My daughter, miss independant, sleeps like  a champ and wants to do everyhing on her own. Let me just tell you she has slept like a champ from 8 weeks on, thanks to the advice from my BFF Melissa.  Now my little loveable smiley guy, sleep terrible and keeps me up all night.  I have become a parent who co-sleeps because the only way I can get sleep is to put him in bed with me.  Don't get me wrong co-sleeping is great for alot of people, I just was never one for it.   So
So we are starting to get into a routine, our own unique routine, but a routine non the less.  So I will be back and there will be more fun post and I am going to start doing some interviews and posting (inspiration from my fav blog www.whatwouldgwynethdo.com).  Just be patient.  Oh did I mention I take my 8 month old to work with me?